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"当我们在浏览器中输入google.com并按下回车键时,一系列复杂的网络和计算机操作随即展开。这是一个常见的面试问题,旨在测试应聘者对计算机网络和浏览器工作原理的理解。接下来,我们将深入探讨这个过程的各个环节。" 当我们开始在浏览器的地址栏中输入"google.com"时,浏览器首先会提供基于你的搜索历史和书签的输入建议。大多数算法会优先考虑这些个人化数据,以提供更精确的推荐。在输入过程中,大量的后台代码正在运行,每次按键都会使建议变得更加准确。 当你按下回车键时,一个专为回车键设计的循环通过电容器关闭。这个系统扫描每个键的状态,并将其转换为键盘编码值。在这种情况下,回车键的编码值通常是13。键盘控制器接收到这个编码值后,会对它进行编码,以便后续传输。这个传输过程几乎都是通过通用串行总线(USB)或蓝牙完成的。 操作系统接收到键盘事件后,会发送一个名为`AWM_KEYDOWN`的消息到应用程序。硬件独立设备(HID)将键盘按下的事件发送到`KBDHID.sys`驱动程序,这个驱动程序会将HID信号转换为扫描码。 在Windows系统中,`Win32K.sys`通过`GetForegroundWindow()` API函数确定当前哪个窗口是活动的。这意味着浏览器进程将接收到来自操作系统的信号,表明用户已按下回车键,请求访问"google.com"。 此时,浏览器开始执行DNS解析,查找"google.com"对应的IP地址。这个过程可能涉及到本地DNS缓存、操作系统网络堆栈、甚至外部的DNS服务器。一旦获得IP地址,浏览器就会使用TCP/IP协议建立与Google服务器的连接,通常使用HTTP或HTTPS协议发起网络请求。 HTTPS协议确保了数据的加密和安全传输,浏览器会验证服务器的SSL/TLS证书,以确认其身份。一旦建立安全连接,浏览器会发送HTTP/HTTPS请求,请求"google.com"的主页内容。服务器响应后,浏览器接收数据并渲染网页,这包括解析HTML、CSS和JavaScript,加载图片、字体等资源,最终呈现我们熟悉的Google首页。 从输入URL到页面加载的整个过程涉及到了计算机网络、操作系统、浏览器内部机制、DNS解析、HTTP通信以及加密安全等多个领域的知识。了解这一过程不仅有助于理解互联网的工作原理,也是计算机科学和编程领域不可或缺的基础。

The readPosInt method uses System.out.print (not println) to print its string argument on the screen (later when we use the readPosInt method, the string argument of the method will be a message telling the user to type some integer). Then the readPosInt method uses the input scanner object to read an integer from the user of the program. After reading the integer, the readPosInt method must also use the scanner’s nextLine method to read the single newline character that comes from the user pressing the Enter key on the keyboard after typing the integer (if you do not read this newline character using the nextLine method inside the readPosInt method, then the newline character will remain in the input stream, and, the next time you use the readLine method described above, the readLine method will just immediately read only the newline character from the input stream and return an empty string as result, without waiting for the user to type anything!) If the user types something which is not an integer, then the nextInt method of the scanner will throw an InputMismatchException. In that case the code of your readPosInt method must catch the exception, use System.out.println to print the error message "You must type an integer!" to the user (use System.out.println for this, not System.err.println, otherwise you might hit a bug in Eclipse...), use the scanner’s nextLine method to read (and ignore) the wrong input typed by the user of the program (if you do not do this, the wrong input typed by the user will remain in the input stream, and the next time you call the nextInt method again, you will get an InputMismatchException again!), and then do the whole thing again (including printing again the string argument of the readPosInt method) to try to read an integer again (hint: put the whole code of the method inside a while loop). After reading the integer and the newline character (which is just ignored), the readPosInt method tests the integer.写java文件

2023-05-25 上传