private Camera cam; private GameObject go; public static string btnName; private Vector3 screenSpace; private Vector3 offset; private bool isDrage = false; //public GameObject a; void Start() { cam = Camera.main; } void Update() { Ray ray = cam.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition); RaycastHit hitInfo; if (isDrage == false) { if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hitInfo)) { Debug.DrawLine(ray.origin, hitInfo.point); if (hitInfo.collider.tag == "MOVEWIN") { go = hitInfo.collider.gameObject; //print(btnName); screenSpace = cam.WorldToScreenPoint(go.transform.position); offset = go.transform.position - cam.ScreenToWorldPoint(new Vector3(Input.mousePosition.x, Input.mousePosition.y, screenSpace.z)); btnName =; } } else { btnName = null; } } if (Input.GetMouseButton(0)) { Vector3 currentScreenSpace = new Vector3(Input.mousePosition.x, Input.mousePosition.y, screenSpace.z); Vector3 currentPosition = cam.ScreenToWorldPoint(currentScreenSpace) + offset; if (btnName != null) { go.transform.position = currentPosition; } isDrage = true; } else { isDrage = false; } } unity 在这个代码上添加鼠标右键旋转物体代码
时间: 2024-02-10 11:14:25 浏览: 146
if (Input.GetMouseButton(1)) // 判断鼠标右键是否按下
float rotX = Input.GetAxis("Mouse X") * 5f; // 获取鼠标在X轴方向的移动距离
float rotY = Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y") * 5f; // 获取鼠标在Y轴方向的移动距离
go.transform.Rotate(Vector3.up, -rotX, Space.World); // 绕物体的Y轴旋转
go.transform.Rotate(Vector3.right, rotY, Space.World); // 绕物体的X轴旋转
public class iTween : MonoBehaviour{ #region Variables //repository of all living iTweens: public static List<Hashtable> tweens = new List<Hashtable>(); //camera fade object: // private static GameObject cameraFade; //status members (made public for visual troubleshooting in the inspector): public string id, type, method; public iTween.EaseType easeType; public float time, delay; public LoopType loopType; public bool isRunning,isPaused; /* GFX47 MOD START */ public string _name; /* GFX47 MOD END */ //private members: private float runningTime, percentage; private float delayStarted; //probably not neccesary that this be protected but it shuts Unity's compiler up about this being "never used" private bool kinematic, isLocal, loop, reverse, wasPaused, physics; private Hashtable tweenArguments; private Space space; private delegate float EasingFunction(float start, float end, float Value); private delegate void ApplyTween(); private EasingFunction ease; private ApplyTween apply; private AudioSource audioSource; private Vector3[] vector3s; private Vector2[] vector2s; private Color[,] colors; private float[] floats; private Rect[] rects; private CRSpline path; private Vector3 preUpdate; private Vector3 postUpdate; private NamedValueColor namedcolorvalue; private float lastRealTime; // Added by PressPlay private bool useRealTime; // Added by PressPlay private Transform thisTransform;
这段代码是用C#编写的 iTween 类。iTween 是一款 Unity3D 的插件,用于实现对象的动画效果,比如缓动、路径动画、闪烁等等。
代码中分别定义了一些变量,包括 tweens、id、type、method、easeType、time、delay、loopType、isRunning、isPaused 等等。其中 tweens 是一个列表,存储了所有的 iTween 对象。
代码中还定义了一些委托类型,比如 EasingFunction 和 ApplyTween,用于定义缓动函数和动画效果的应用方式。
除此之外,代码中还定义了一些私有变量和方法,比如 vector3s、vector2s、colors、floats、rects 等等,用于存储和计算动画效果的参数。
总的来说,这段代码是 iTween 插件的核心代码,用于实现对象的动画效果,并提供了丰富的参数和选项,可以灵活地实现各种不同的动画效果。
using System; using System.Linq; using UnityEditor; using UnityEngine; using Object = UnityEngine.Object; using Cinemachine; namespace StarterAssets { // This class needs to be a scriptable object to support dynamic determination of StarterAssets install path public partial class StarterAssetsDeployMenu : ScriptableObject { public const string MenuRoot = "Tools/Starter Assets"; // prefab names private const string MainCameraPrefabName = "MainCamera"; private const string PlayerCapsulePrefabName = "PlayerCapsule"; // names in hierarchy private const string CinemachineVirtualCameraName = "PlayerFollowCamera"; // tags private const string PlayerTag = "Player"; private const string MainCameraTag = "MainCamera"; private const string CinemachineTargetTag = "CinemachineTarget"; private static GameObject _cinemachineVirtualCamera; private static void CheckCameras(Transform targetParent, string prefabFolder) { CheckMainCamera(prefabFolder); GameObject vcam = GameObject.Find(CinemachineVirtualCameraName); if (!vcam) { if (TryLocatePrefab(CinemachineVirtualCameraName, new string[]{prefabFolder}, new[] { typeof(CinemachineVirtualCamera) }, out GameObject vcamPrefab, out string _)) { HandleInstantiatingPrefab(vcamPrefab, out vcam); _cinemachineVirtualCamera = vcam; } else { Debug.LogError("Couldn't find Cinemachine Virtual Camera prefab"); } } else { _cinemachineVirtualCamera = vcam; } GameObject[] targets = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag(CinemachineTargetTag); GameObject target = targets.FirstOrDefault(t => t.transform.IsChildOf(targetParent)); if (targe
<think>嗯,用户的问题是关于Unity中StarterAssets的部署菜单脚本,特别是与摄像机预制体和Cinemachine虚拟摄像机的实例化相关的内容。我需要先理解用户的具体需求。用户可能在使用Unity的Starter Assets包时,遇到了如何通过ScriptableObject来部署菜单并生成虚拟摄像机预制体的问题。
### 一、摄像机预制体实例化核心逻辑
1. 在ScriptableObject中声明虚拟摄像机预制体字段:
[CreateAssetMenu(fileName = "DeployMenu", menuName = "StarterAssets/DeployMenu")]
public class StarterAssetsDeployMenu : ScriptableObject
private CinemachineVirtualCamera virtualCameraPrefab;
2. 预制体实例化方法需包含父子级关系设置:
public void SpawnVirtualCamera(Transform parent)
if(virtualCameraPrefab == null)
var newCamera = Instantiate(virtualCameraPrefab, parent);
newCamera.Follow = Player.instance.transform; // 绑定玩家对象
newCamera.LookAt = Player.instance.transform.GetChild(0); // 绑定视角锚点
### 二、部署配置要点
1. **预制体引用验证**:在编辑器扩展代码中需添加空引用检查:
public class DeployMenuEditor : Editor
public override void OnInspectorGUI()
if(target.virtualCameraPrefab?.GetComponent<CinemachineVirtualCamera>() == null)
EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("必须绑定CinemachineVirtualCamera预制体", MessageType.Error);
2. **坐标初始化**:建议在实例化时重置局部坐标:
newCamera.transform.localPosition =;
newCamera.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;
### 三、典型问题排查
1. **跟随目标丢失**:检查Player实例是否包含有效Transform组件,建议添加空值保护:
if(Player.instance != null && Player.instance.transform != null)
newCamera.Follow = Player.instance.transform;
2. **优先级冲突**:当存在多个虚拟摄像机时,需动态设置优先级:
newCamera.Priority = 10; // 设置为主摄像机
### 四、推荐实现模式
private Queue<CinemachineVirtualCamera> cameraPool = new Queue<CinemachineVirtualCamera>();
public CinemachineVirtualCamera GetCamera(Transform parent)
if(cameraPool.Count > 0)
var cam = cameraPool.Dequeue();
return cam;
return Instantiate(virtualCameraPrefab, parent);