时间: 2024-01-28 11:05:10 浏览: 158
from ursina import *
from random import choice
app = Ursina()
# 创建球门
goal = Entity(model='cube', scale=(8, 3, 0.5), color=color.white, position=(0, 2, -10))
goal_left = Entity(model='cube', scale=(1, 3, 0.5), color=color.red, position=(-4.5, 2, -10))
goal_right = Entity(model='cube', scale=(1, 3, 0.5), color=color.red, position=(4.5, 2, -10))
# 创建足球
ball = Entity(model='sphere', color=color.white, scale=0.2, position=(0, 1, 0))
ball.collider = 'sphere'
ball.add_script(SmoothFollow(target=ball, offset=(0, 5, -10), speed=4))
# 创建射门者
shooter = Entity(model='cube', scale=(0.5, 1, 0.5), color=color.red, position=(0, 1, -14))
# 创建游戏界面文本
score_text = Text(text='Score: 0', position=(-0.85, 0.45), scale=2)
# 初始化分数和射门状态
score = 0
is_shooting = False
def input(key):
global is_shooting
# 按空格键开始射门
if key == 'space' and not is_shooting:
is_shooting = True
shooter.animate_position(shooter.position + (0, 0, -10), duration=1, curve=curve.out_cubic, loop=False, delay=0.5)
def update():
global score, is_shooting
# 射门状态下,球碰撞到球门或球门边界时,判断射门结果
if is_shooting and ball.intersects(goal) or ball.intersects(goal_left) or ball.intersects(goal_right):
if ball.x >= goal_left.x and ball.x <= goal_right.x:
score += 1
score -= 1
score_text.text = f'Score: {score}'
is_shooting = False
# 重置射门者位置
if not is_shooting and shooter.y != 1:
shooter.y = 1