【进阶篇】MATLAB逻辑模糊工具箱:Fuzzy Logic Toolbox使用指南
发布时间: 2024-05-22 11:06:27 阅读量: 750 订阅数: 367 


# 1. MATLAB逻辑模糊工具箱概述**
# 2. 模糊逻辑基础**
**2.1 模糊集合理论**
模糊集合可以用隶属函数来表示,隶属函数将元素映射到[0, 1]区间。常见的隶属函数有:
- 三角形隶属函数:一个对称的三角形,表示元素对集合的隶属度随着距离集合中心的增加而线性下降。
- 梯形隶属函数:一个梯形,表示元素对集合的隶属度在一定范围内保持恒定,然后线性下降。
- 高斯隶属函数:一个钟形曲线,表示元素对集合的隶属度随着距离集合中心的增加而呈高斯分布下降。
**2.2 模糊推理系统**
**2.2.1 模糊化**
**2.2.2 规则库**
如果 输入变量1 是 模糊集合1 并且 输入变量2 是 模糊集合2
那么 输出变量 是 模糊集合3
**2.2.3 反模糊化**
% 定义输入变量1的隶属函数
input1_mf = [0, 0, 0.5, 1, 0.5, 0, 0];
input1_labels = {'Very Low', 'Low', 'Medium', 'High', 'Very High'};
% 定义输入变量2的隶属函数
input2_mf = [0, 0, 0, 0.5, 1, 0.5, 0, 0];
input2_labels = {'Very Low', 'Low', 'Medium', 'High', 'Very High'};
% 定义输出变量的隶属函数
output_mf = [0, 0, 0.5, 1, 0.5, 0, 0];
output_labels = {'Very Low', 'Low', 'Medium', 'High', 'Very High'};
% 创建模糊推理系统
fis = newfis('my_fis', 'mamdani');
% 添加输入变量
fis = addvar(fis, 'input1', [0 1], input1_mf, input1_labels);
fis = addvar(fis, 'input2', [0 1], input2_mf, input2_labels);
% 添加输出变量
fis = addvar(fis, 'output', [0 1], output_mf, output_labels);
% 添加模糊规则
rule1 = ['If input1 is Very Low and input2 is Very Low then output is Very Low';
'If input1 is Very Low and input2 is Low then output is Low';
'If input1 is Very Low and input2 is Medium then output is Medium';
'If input1 is Very Low and input2 is High then output is High';
'If input1 is Very Low and input2 is Very High then output is Very High'];
rule2 = ['If input1 is Low and input2 is Very Low then output is Very Low';
'If input1 is Low and input2 is Low then output is Low';
'If input1 is Low and input2 is Medium then output is Medium';
'If input1 is Low and input2 is High then output is High';
'If input1 is Low and input2 is Very High then output is Very High'];
rule3 = ['If input1 is Medium and input2 is Very Low then output is Very Low';
'If input1 is Medium and input2 is Low then output is Low';
'If input1 is Medium and input2 is Medium then output is Medium';
'If input1 is Medium and input2 is High then output is High';
'If input1 is Medium and input2 is Very High then output is Very High'];
rule4 = ['If input1 is High and input2 is Very Low then output is Very Low';
'If input1 is High and input2 is Low then output is Low';
'If input1 is High and input2 is Medium then output is Medium';
'If input1 is High and input2 is High then output is High';
'If input1 is High and input2 is Very High then output is Very High'];
rule5 = ['If input1 is Very High and input2 is Very Low then output is Very Low';
'If input1 is Very High and input2 is Low then output is Low';
'If input1 is Very High and input2 is Medium then output is Medium';
'If input1 is Very High and input2 is High then output is High';
'If input1 is Very High and input2 is Very High then output is Very High'];
fis = addrule(fis, rule1);
fis = addrule(fis, rule2);
fis = addrule(fis, rule3);
fis = addrule(fis, rule4);
fis = addrule(fis, rule5);
% 视化模糊推理系统
* 输入变量1和2都定义了5个模糊集合,分别表示“非常低”、“低”