Keil5 Team Collaboration Development Power Tool: Git Practical Guide

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Keil 5 报错 μvision is unusable without a valid TOOL.INI file解决方法

# Keil5: From Beginner to Expert ## 2.1 Creating and Managing Git Repositories ### 2.1.1 Initializing and Cloning Repositories - **Initializing a Repository:** Use the `git init` command to create a new Git repository locally. - **Cloning a Repository:** Use the `git clone` command to clone a local copy from a remote repository. ### 2.1.2 Branching and Merging in Repositories - **Branching:** Git allows for the creation of branches for parallel development of different features or bug fixes. - **Merging:** Merging integrates changes from different branches into a single branch, usually the main branch. ## 2. Git Team Collaboration Basics ### 2.1 Creating and Managing Git Repositories #### 2.1.1 Initializing and Cloning Repositories **Initializing a Repository** ```bash git init ``` **Logical Analysis:** This command creates a new Git repository in the current directory and initializes an empty `.git` directory to store version control related information. **Argument Explanation:** None **Cloning a Repository** ```bash git clone <remote repository URL> ``` **Logical Analysis:** This command creates a local copy of the repository from a remote repository. It downloads all the history and branches from the remote repository to the local machine. **Argument Explanation:** - `<remote repository URL>`: The URL or path of the remote repository #### 2.1.2 Branching and Merging in Repositories **Creating a Branch** ```bash git branch <branch name> ``` **Logical Analysis:** This command creates a new branch that points to the current commit. It allows for code changes to be made without affecting the main branch. **Argument Explanation:** - `<branch name>`: The name of the new branch **Merging Branches** ```bash git merge <branch name> ``` **Logical Analysis:** This command merges the changes from the specified branch into the current branch. It resolves any conflicts and creates a new commit that includes the merged changes. **Argument Explanation:** - `<branch name>`: The name of the branch to be merged ### 2.2 Git Version Control Workflow #### 2.2.1 Code Modification and Committing **Code Modification** Modify the code in the local repository. **Committing** ```bash git commit -m "<commit message>" ``` **Logical Analysis:** This command records the changes in the current working directory as a new commit. The commit message describes the changes made. **Argument Explanation:** - `-m <commit message>`: The commit message that describes the changes made #### 2.2.2 Code Review and Merge Requests **Code Review** Code review is a collaborative process where team members review each other's code changes to uncover errors, improve code quality, and share knowledge. **Merge Requests** Merge requests are a way to propose changes to a remote repository. They allow team members to review and discuss changes before they are merged. ## 3. Git Team Collaboration Practices ### 3.1 Git Branch Management Strategies #### 3.1.1 Creating, Merging, and Deleting Branches **Creating a Branch** ```bash git branch <branch name> ``` **Merging Branches** ```bash git merge <branch name> ``` **Deleting a Branch** ```bash git branch -d <branch name> ``` #### 3.1.2 Applying Branch Models **Mainline Branch Model** ***Mainline Branch (master):** A stable and deployable branch. ***Development Branch (dev):** Used for new feature development and testing. ***Feature Branches (feature):** Used for developing specific features. **Gitflow Model** ***Mainline Branch (master):** A stable and deployable branch. ***Development Branch (develop):
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