【Advanced】Combining C++ with MATLAB (Mutual Invocation) Methods

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# [Advanced篇] Combining C++ with MATLAB (Mutual Invocation) Methods ## 2.1 Creation and Initialization of MATLAB Engine ### 2.1.1 Creation of MATLAB Engine Creating a MATLAB engine in C++ requires the use of the `engOpen` function. The prototype of this function is as follows: ```cpp engOpen(const char* version) -> mxArray* ``` Here, the `version` parameter specifies the version of the MATLAB engine to be created. If `version` is set to `NULL`, the latest version of the MATLAB engine will be created. ### 2.1.2 Initialization of MATLAB Engine After creating a MATLAB engine, it needs to be initialized using the `engInitialize` function. The prototype of this function is as follows: ```cpp engInitialize(mxArray* engine) -> int ``` Here, the `engine` parameter is the MATLAB engine created using the `engOpen` function. ## 2. Invoking MATLAB from C++ ### 2.1 Creation and Initialization of MATLAB Engine #### 2.1.1 Creation of MATLAB Engine ```cpp // Create MATLAB Engine MATLAB::Engine *ep = engOpen(NULL); if (ep == NULL) { std::cerr << "Error: Unable to create MATLAB engine" << std::endl; exit(1); } ``` - The `engOpen` function creates a MATLAB engine and returns a pointer to it. - If the creation fails, `ep` will be `NULL`, and the program will exit with an error message. #### 2.1.2 Initialization of MATLAB Engine ```cpp // Initialize MATLAB Engine if (ep->Init()) { std::cerr << "Error: Unable to initialize MATLAB engine" << std::endl; exit(1); } ``` - The `Init` function initializes the MATLAB engine, loads the MATLAB path, and compiles MATLAB functions. - If the initialization fails, the program will exit with an error message. ### 2.2 Data Exchange Between C++ and MATLAB #### 2.2.1 Passing Data from C++ to MATLAB ```cpp // Create MATLAB variable mxArray *mx = mxCreateDoubleScalar(10.0); // Pass MATLAB variable to MATLAB Engine if (ep->PutVariable("x", mx)) { std::cerr << "Error: Unable to pass variable to MATLAB" << std::endl; exit(1); } ``` - The `mxCreateDoubleScalar` function creates a MATLAB double scalar variable. - The `PutVariable` function passes the MATLAB variable to the MATLAB engine. - If the passing fails, the program will exit with an error message. #### 2.2.2 Returning Data from MATLAB to C++ ```cpp // Get MATLAB variable mxArray *mx = ep->GetVariable("y"); // Convert MATLAB variable to C++ double type double y = mxGetScalar(mx); ``` - The `GetVariable` function gets the MATLAB variable from the MATLAB engine. - The `mxGetScalar` function converts the MATLAB variable to C++ double type. ### 2.3 Invoking MATLAB Functions and Scripts from C++ #### 2.3.1 Invoking MATLAB Functions ```cpp // Invoke MATLAB function mxArray *mx = ep->Feval("disp", 1, mxCreateString("Hello, MATLAB!")); ``` - The `Feval` function invokes a MATLAB function. - The first parameter is the function name, the second is the number of input parameters, and the third is the array of input parameters. - The `mxCreateString` function creates a MATLAB string variable. #### 2.3.2 Invoking MATLAB Scripts ```cpp // Invoke MATLAB script if (ep->EvalFile("myscript.m")) { std::cerr << "Error: Unable to evaluate MATLAB script" << std::endl; exit(1); } ``` - The `EvalFile` function invokes a MATLAB script. - If the invocation fails, the program will exit with an error message. ## 3. MATLAB Invoking C++ ### 3.1 Creating a C++ Dynamic Link Library (DLL) #### 3.1.1 Writing a C++ DLL **Writing DLL Source Code** Write a DLL in C++ containing the functions to be called from MATLAB. For example, the following code defines a function called `addNumbers` that adds two numbers: ```cpp // addNumbers.cpp #include <iostream> extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) int addNumbers(int a, int b) { std::cout << "C++ DLL: Adding numbers..." << std::endl; return a + b; } ``` **Parameter Description:** - `a`: The first number - `b`: The second number **Return:** - The sum of the two numbers #### 3.1.2 Compiling and Linking a C++ DLL **Compiling the DLL** Use the following command to compile the DLL source code: ``` cl /LD /Fe addNumbers.dll addNumbers.cpp ``` **Linking the DLL** Use the following command to link the DLL to the MATLAB executable: ``` link /DLL /OUT:addNumbers.dll addNumbers.obj ``` ## 3.2 MATLAB Loading and Invoking a C++ DLL #### 3.2.1 Loading a C++ DLL **Using the `loadlibrary` Function** Use the `loadlibrary` function to load a C++ DLL: ```matlab dllHandle = loadlibrary('addNumbers.dll'); ``` **Parameter Description:** - `'addNumbers.dll'`: The name of the DLL **Return:** - `dllHandle`: A handle to the DLL #### 3.2.2 Invoking a Function in a C++ DLL **Using the `calllib` Function** Use the `calllib` function to invoke a function in a C++ DLL: ```matlab result = calllib('addNumbers', 'addNumbers', 5, 10); ``` **Parameter Description:** - `'addNumbers'`: The name of the DLL - `'addNumbers'`: The name of the function to be called - `5`: The first number - `10`: The second number **Return:** - `result`: The return value of the function (the sum of the two numbers) **Code Logic Analysis:** 1. The `loadlibrary` function loads the DLL and returns a handle. 2. The `calllib` function uses the handle to call the `addNumbers` function in the DLL. 3. The function returns the sum of the two numbers and stores it in the `result` variable. **Table: Comparison of `loadlibrary` and `calllib` Functions** | Function | Purpose | Parameters | Return | |---|---|---|---| | `loadlibrary` | Load DLL | DLL name | DLL handle | | `calllib` | Invoke DLL function | DLL handle, function name, parameters | Function return value | **mermaid Flow
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