【Advanced】DC_AC Single-Phase Bridge Active Inverter Circuit Simulink Model Simulation

发布时间: 2024-09-14 04:21:03 阅读量: 32 订阅数: 41

PWM.rar_PWM AC-DC_The Conversion_ac-pwm_inverter


1. Fundamentals of Simulink Modeling

Simulink is a simulation software with a graphical user interface designed for modeling, simulating, and analyzing dynamic systems. The fundamental principle is to break down the system into interconnected modules, where each module represents a specific function or component within the system. By connecting these modules, one can construct a simulation model of the entire system.

In Simulink, these modules are known as “blocks,” which can be basic blocks (such as gains, integrators, differentiators) or custom blocks (such as user-written functions or subsystems). Blocks are connected through “lines,” which signify the flow of signals. By setting the parameters of the blocks and the relationships between the lines, the behavior of the system can be defined.

2. Simulink Modeling Principles and Simulation Environment Setup

2.1 Fundamentals of Simulink Modeling

Simulink is a graphical modeling and simulation tool within MATLAB, intended for designing, simulating, and analyzing dynamic systems. It offers an intuitive user interface that allows users to create system models by dragging and dropping blocks. A Simulink model consists of the following elements:

  • Blocks: Represent components in the system, such as gains, integrators, transfer functions, etc.
  • Signal Lines: Connect blocks and represent the flow of signals.
  • Parameters: Specify numerical values that define the behavior of blocks.

Simulink employs discrete-time simulation, approximating continuous-time systems as a series of discrete time steps. The simulation process is as follows:

  1. Initialization: Set the initial conditions and parameters of the model.
  2. Computation: Calculate the system state and output for each time step.
  3. Update: Update the state of blocks and signal values.
  4. Repeat: Repeat steps 2 and 3 until the simulation ends.

2.2 Setting Up the Simulation Environment and Parameter Configuration

Setting Up the Simulation Environment

  1. Open MATLAB and启动 Simulink.
  2. Create a new model.
  3. Drag and drop blocks from the Simulink library into the model window.

Parameter Configuration

Each block has its own parameters that need to be set according to the actual system. For example:

  • Gain block: Set the gain value.
  • Integrator block: Set the integration constant.
  • Transfer function block: Set the coefficients of the numerator and denominator of the transfer function.

Simulation Parameters

In addition to the block parameters, simulation parameters also need to be configured, including:

  • Simulation step size: Specifies the time step for the simulation.
  • Simulation duration: Specifies the duration of the simulation.
  • Solver: Select a solver for solving differential equations.

Code Blocks

  1. % Setting simulation parameters
  2. sim_step = 0.001; % Simulation step size
  3. sim_time = 0.1; % Simulation duration
  4. solver = 'ode45'; % Solver
  5. % Setting block parameters
  6. gain = 10; % Gain value
  7. tau = 0.1; % Integration constant
  8. num = [1]; % Transfer function numerator
  9. den = [1, tau]; % Transfer function denominator
  10. % Building a Simulink model
  11. simulink_model = simulink.Model('DC-AC_Inverter');
  12. gain_block = simulink.Gain('Gain', 'Gain', gain);
  13. integrator_block = simulink.Integrator('Integrator', 'InitialCondition', 0, 'Gain', tau);
  14. transfer_function_block = simulink.TransferFcn('Transfer Function', 'Numerator', num, 'Denominator', den);
  15. % Connecting blocks
  16. add_block(gain_block, simulink_model);
  17. add_block(integrator_block, simulink_model);
  18. add_block(transfer_function_block, simulink_model);
  19. connect_blocks(simulink_model, 'Gain/Out1', 'Integrator/In1');
  20. connect_blocks(simulink_model, 'Integrator/Out1', 'Transfer Function/In1');
  21. connect_blocks(simulink_model, 'Transfer Function/Out1', 'Gain/In1');
  22. % Setting simulation parameters
  23. set_param(simulink_model, 'FixedStep', sim_step);
  24. set_param(simulink_model, 'StopTime', sim_tim
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