【Advanced】Methods for Solving RLC Second-Order Circuits in MATLAB (using Simulink)

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# 2.1 Euler's Method ### 2.1.1 Method Principle Euler's method is an explicit numerical integration technique used to solve first-order ordinary differential equations. The fundamental idea is to expand the differential equation in a Taylor series at the current moment and truncate the higher-order terms to obtain an approximation of the differential equation at that moment. For second-order ordinary differential equations: ``` y''(t) = f(t, y(t), y'(t)) ``` Euler's method discretizes the equation as follows: ``` y_{n+1} = y_n + h * y'_n y'_{n+1} = y'_n + h * f(t_n, y_n, y'_n) ``` where `h` is the step size, `y_n` and `y'_n` are the approximate values of `y(t)` and `y'(t)` at time `t_n`, respectively. ### 2.1.2 MATLAB Implementation In MATLAB, the `ode45` function is used to solve differential equations, which internally defaults to Euler's method. Here is an example MATLAB code for solving an RLC second-order circuit using Euler's method: ```matlab % Define circuit parameters R = 10; % Resistance (Ohms) L = 0.1; % Inductance (Henries) C = 0.001; % Capacitance (Farads) % Define initial conditions y0 = [0; 0]; % [Current (Amperes); Voltage (Volts)] % Define time range and step size t = 0:0.001:1; % Time range (seconds) h = 0.001; % Step size (seconds) % Solve the differential equation [t, y] = ode45(@(t, y) [y(2); (-R/L)*y(2) - (1/L)*y(1) + (1/L)*10], t, y0); % Plot results plot(t, y(:, 1)); % Current hold on; plot(t, y(:, 2)); % Voltage xlabel('Time (seconds)'); ylabel('Value'); legend('Current (Amperes)', 'Voltage (Volts)'); ``` # 2. MATLAB Solution to RLC Second-Order Circuits with Numerical Methods ### 2.1 Euler's Method #### 2.1.1 Method Principle Euler's method is an explicit numerical approach that solves differential equations by approximating the derivatives as difference quotients. For the differential equation system of an RLC second-order circuit: ``` di/dt = (v - Ri) / L dv/dt = (i - v / R) / C ``` The update formulas for Euler's method are: ``` i(n+1) = i(n) + h * (v(n) - Ri(n)) / L v(n+1) = v(n) + h * (i(n) - v(n) / R) / C ``` where `h` is the step size and `n` is the time step index. #### 2.1.2 MATLAB Implementation ```matlab function [i, v] = euler(R, L, C, V0, t, h) % Euler's method for solving an RLC second-order circuit % Input: % R: Resistance (Ohms) % L: Inductance (Henries) % C: Capacitance (Farads) % V0: Initial voltage (Volts) % t: Time range (seconds) % h: Step size (seconds) % Output: % i: Current (Amperes) % v: Voltage (Volts) % Initialization n = length(t); i = zeros(1, n); v = zeros(1, n); % Initial conditions i(1) = 0; v(1) = V0; % Euler's method iteration for k = 1:n-1 i(k+1) = i(k) + h * (v(k) - R * i(k)) / L; v(k+1) = v(k) + h * (i(k) - v(k) / R) / C; end end ``` ### 2.2 Runge-Kutta Method #### 2.2.1 Method Principle The Runge-Kutta method is an implicit numerical method that approximates derivatives using multiple intermediate values. For the differential equation system of an RLC second-order circuit, the update formulas for the second-order Runge-Kutta method (RK2) are: ``` k11 = h * (v(n) - Ri(n)) / L k12 = h * (i(n) - v(n) / R) / C k21 = h * (v(n) + k12 - R(i(n) + k11)) / L k22 = h * (i(n) + k11 - v(n) / R) / C i(n+1) = i(n) + (k11 + k21) / 2 v(n+1) = v(n) + (k12 + k22) / 2 ``` #### 2.2.2 MATLAB Implementation ```matlab function [i, v] = rk2(R, L, C, V0, t, h) % Second-order Runge-Kutta method for solving an RLC second-order circuit % Input: % R: Resistance (Ohms) % L: Inductance (Henries) % C: Capacitance (Farads) % V0: Initial voltage (Volts) % t: Time range (seconds) % h: Step size (seconds) % Output: % i: Current (Amperes) % v: Voltage (Volts) % Initialization n = length(t); i = zeros(1, n); v = zeros(1, n); % Initial conditions i(1) = 0; v(1) = V0; % RK2 method iteration for k = 1:n-1 k11 = h * (v(k) - R * i(k)) / L; k12 = h * (i(k) - v(k) / R) / C; k21 = h * (v(k) + k12 - R * (i(k) + k11)) / L; k22 = h * (i(k) + k11 - v(k) / R) / C; i(k+1) = i(k) + (k11 + k21) / 2; v(k+1) = v(k) + (k12 + k22) / 2; end end ``` ### 2.3 Adams-Bashforth Method #### 2.3.1 Method Principle The Adams-Bashforth method is an explicit multistep numerical method that approximates derivatives using values from previous time steps. For the differential equation system of an RLC second-order circuit, the update formulas for the second-order Adams-Bashforth method (AB2) are: ``` i(n+1) = i(n) + h * (3 * v(n) - v(n-1) - 2 * Ri(n) + Ri(n-1)) / (2 * L) v(n+1) = v(n) + h * (3 * i(n) - i(n-1) - 2 * v(n) / R + v(n-1) / R) / (2 * C) ``` #### 2.3.2 MATLAB Implementation ```matlab function [i, v] = ab2(R, L, C, V0, t, h) % Second-order Adams-Bashforth method for solving an RLC second-order circuit % Input: % R: Resistance (Ohms) % L: Inductance (Henries) % C: Capacitance (Farads) % V0: Initial voltage (Volts) % t: Time range (seconds) % ```
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