unordered_map Size and Capacity Operations Analysis

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# 1.1 Understanding unordered_map In the C++ STL, `unordered_map` is an associative container that utilizes a hash table as its underlying data structure. The hash table maps key-value pairs to buckets using a hash function, facilitating rapid lookups, insertions, and deletions. `unordered_map` is suitable for scenarios that require quick access to key-value pairs, such as storing unique keys with their corresponding values. It offers constant time complexity for search, insertion, and deletion operations, providing fast performance. Using `unordered_map` allows for the quick定位 of elements without the need for traversing the entire container in a specific order. This is particularly important for large-scale data storage and retrieval, ensuring that programs maintain high efficiency when dealing with vast amounts of data. One of the characteristics of `unordered_map` is that its elements are stored in an unordered manner, and the order of the key-value pairs depends on the outcomes of the hash function. Therefore, if the order of elements is a requirement, other ordered containers should be chosen for data storage. # 2. Construction and Initialization of unordered_map The construction and initialization of `unordered_map` is the first step in using this data structure, and an appropriate construction method can enhance the efficiency and readability of the program. #### 2.1 Creating an unordered_map Object The creation of an unordered associative container can be achieved using either the default constructor or parameterized constructors. ##### 2.1.1 Default Constructor The default constructor will create an empty `unordered_map` object, as shown in the example code below: ```cpp #include <iostream> #include <unordered_map> int main() { std::unordered_map<int, std::string> myMap; return 0; } ``` ##### 2.1.2 Parameterized Constructor The parameterized constructor accepts an initial size and optional hash function and key equality function, for instance: ```cpp std::unordered_map<int, std::string> myMap(10); // Initial size is 10 ``` #### 2.2 Initializing an unordered_map An `unordered_map` can be initialized using an initializer list `{}`, the `insert` method, or the `emplace` method. ##### 2.2.1 Using an Initializer List An `unordered_map` can be initialized with key-value pairs using an initializer list, as shown in the example code below: ```cpp std::unordered_map<int, std::string> myMap = {{1, "One"}, {2, "Two"}, {3, "Three"}}; ``` ##### 2.2.2 Usage of the insert Method The `insert` method can be used to add elements to an `unordered_map`, as demonstrated in the example code below: ```cpp myMap.insert({4, "Four"}); ``` ##### 2.2.3 Usage of the emplace Method The `emplace` method can construct key-value pairs directly from its parameters and insert them into the `unordered_map`, as shown in the example code below: ```cpp myMap.emplace(5, "Five"); ``` When constructing and initializing an `unordered_map`, choosing the appropriate construction method can help improve program efficiency and readability, laying a foundation for subsequent operations. # 3. Element Access in unordered_map `unordered_map` is an associative container in the C++ STL that offers fast lookup, insertion, and deletion operations. When using an `unordered_map`, it's essential to understand how to access and modify its elements. This chapter will introduce the operations for accessing and modifying elements in an `unordered_map`. #### 3.1 Accessing Elements In an `unordered_map`, elements can be accessed by their keys. There are two common methods for acces
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# 1. 特征工程简介 ## 1.1 特征工程的基本概念 特征工程是机器学习中一个核心的步骤,它涉及从原始数据中选取、构造或转换出有助于模型学习的特征。优秀的特征工程能够显著提升模型性能,降低过拟合风险,并有助于在有限的数据集上提炼出有意义的信号。 ## 1.2 特征工程的重要性 在数据驱动的机器学习项目中,特征工程的重要性仅次于数据收集。数据预处理、特征选择、特征转换等环节都直接影响模型训练的效率和效果。特征工程通过提高特征与目标变量的关联性来提升模型的预测准确性。 ## 1.3 特征工程的工作流程 特征工程通常包括以下步骤: - 数据探索与分析,理解数据的分布和特征间的关系。 - 特


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