YOLOv8 Practical Case: Road Traffic Vehicle Detection and Counting

发布时间: 2024-09-15 07:36:44 阅读量: 4 订阅数: 22
#YOLOv8 Real-world Case Study: Road Traffic Vehicle Detection and Counting ## 1.1 Introduction to YOLOv8 Model YOLOv8 is one of the most advanced real-time object detection models, ***pared to its predecessor YOLOv7, YOLOv8 has significantly improved in accuracy and speed. YOLOv8 adopts a new network architecture known as Cross-Stage Partial Connections (CSP), which reduces the amount of computation while maintaining the model's accuracy. Additionally, YOLOv8 employs a new training strategy called SimOTA, which enhances the model's performance in detecting small objects. ## 2. Setting Up the YOLOv8 Practical Environment and Data Preparation ### 2.1 Environment Setup and Dependency Installation **Environment Requirements:** * Operating System: Ubuntu 18.04 or higher versions * Python: 3.7 or higher versions * CUDA: 11.1 or higher versions * cuDNN: 8.0 or higher versions * PyTorch: 1.8 or higher versions **Dependency Installation:** 1. Install CUDA and cuDNN, referring to the official documentation for specific steps. 2. Create a virtual environment and install PyTorch: ```bash python3 -m venv venv source venv/bin/activate pip install torch torchvision ``` 3. Install YOLOv8: ```bash git clone *** *** *** ``` ### 2.2 Dataset Acquisition and Preprocessing **Dataset Acquisition:** * COCO dataset: Contains 80 object categories, used for training general-purpose object detection models. * VOC dataset: Contains 20 object categories, used for training models in specific domains. * Custom dataset: Collect images and annotations that meet the specific task requirements. **Dataset Preprocessing:** 1. **Image preprocessing:** Resize images to a uniform size and perform normalization. 2. **Annotation preprocessing:** Convert annotation files to a format supported by YOLOv8, including class IDs, bounding box coordinates, and confidence scores. 3. **Dataset splitting:** Divide the dataset into training, validation, and test sets, typically in a ratio of 7:2:1. **Code Example:** ```python import os from PIL import Image import numpy as np # Image preprocessing def preprocess_image(image_path, input_size): image = Image.open(image_path) image = image.resize((input_size, input_size)) image = np.array(image) / 255.0 return image # Annotation preprocessing def preprocess_label(label_path, input_size): with open(label_path, "r") as f: labels = f.readlines() labels = [label.strip().split(" ") for label in labels] for label in labels: label[1:] = [float(x) for x in label[1:]] label[1:] = label[1:] * input_size return labels # Dataset splitting def split_dataset(dataset_path, train_ratio=0.7, val_ratio=0.2): images = os.listdir(dataset_path) np.random.shuffle(images) train_size = int(len(images) * train_ratio) val_size = int(len(images) * val_ratio) train_images = images[:train_size] val_images = images[train_size:train_size+val_size] test_images = images[train_size+val_size:] return train_images, val_images, test_images ``` ## 3. YOLOv8 Model Training and Evaluation ### 3.1 Training Configuration and Parameter Tuning #### Training Configuration The YOLOv8 model training configuration mainly includes the following parameters: | Parameter | Description | |---|---| | batch_size | Training batch size | | epochs | Number of training epochs | | learning_rate | Learning rate | | momentum | Momentum | | weight_decay | Weight decay | | warmup_epochs | Warm-up epochs | | warmup_lr_multiplier | Warm-up learning rate multiplier | | optimizer | Optimizer | | loss | Loss function | | lr_scheduler | Learning rate scheduler | #### Parameter Tuning Training configuration parameter tuning is a key step in improving model performance. Here are some common parameter tuning tips: - **Batch size:** The batch size affects the training speed and model performance. Generally, a larger batch size can increase training speed but may lead to overfitting. - **Learning rate:** The learning rate controls the speed of model parameter updates. A higher learning rate can accelerate training but may cause instability in the model. - **Momentum:** Momentum can smooth gradient updates and help prevent the model from getting stuck in local optima. - **Weight decay:** Weight decay can prevent overfitting but may reduce model performance. - **Warm-up phase:** The warm-up phase gradually increases the learning rate, which helps with model stability. ##
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