Image Scaling and Rotation in MATLAB: Implementing Geometric Transformations

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# 2.1 Image Scaling and Resizing ## 2.1.1 Using the imresize Function The `imresize` function is a commonly used tool in MATLAB for image scaling. It accepts an input image and a scale factor as parameters and returns a resized image. The scale factor is a number that represents the scaling ratio for each dimension of the image. For example, an image with a scale factor of 2 will be enlarged to twice its original size. ```matlab % Load an image image = imread('image.jpg'); % Resize the image to twice its original size resized_image = imresize(image, 2); % Resize the image to half its original size resized_image = imresize(image, 0.5); ``` # 2. MATLAB Image Scaling in Practice ## 2.1 Image Scaling and Resizing ### 2.1.1 Using the imresize Function MATLAB provides the `imresize` function for image scaling. This function takes an image and a scale factor as input and returns the scaled image. The scale factor is a scalar or vector that specifies the scaling ratio for each dimension of the image. ```matlab % Read an image image = imread('image.jpg'); % Scale the image to double its size resized_image = imresize(image, 2); % Scale the image down to half its size resized_image = imresize(image, 0.5); ``` **Parameter Explanation:** * `image`: The input image * `scale`: The scale factor, which can be a scalar or vector * `method`: The interpolation method, defaulting to `'bilinear'`, with other options including `'nearest'`, `'bicubic'`, `'lanczos3'` **Code Logic:** 1. The `imresize` function resizes the image according to the specified scale factor. 2. If the scale factor is greater than 1, the image is enlarged; if less than 1, the image is reduced. 3. The interpolation method determines the pixel values of the resized image. #### 2.1.2 Using Interpolation Methods The `imresize` function supports various interpolation methods, including: * `'nearest'`: Nearest neighbor interpolation, which selects the original pixel value closest to the scaled pixel's location * `'bilinear'`: Bilinear interpolation, which uses the weighted average of original pixel values to calculate the scaled pixel value * `'bicubic'`: Bicubic interpolation, which uses the weighted average and derivatives of original pixel values to calculate the scaled pixel value * `'lanczos3'`: Lanczos interpolation, which uses a Lanczos filter to calculate the scaled pixel value Different interpolation methods can produce different image qualities. The `'bilinear'` method is generally used for fast resizing, while `'bicubic'` and `'lanczos3'` provide higher image quality but at a higher computational cost. ## 2.2 Image Cropping and Mosaicking ### 2.2.1 Using the imcrop Function The `imcrop` function is used to crop a rectangular area from an image. It takes an image and rectangle coordinates as inputs and returns the cropped image. ```matlab % Read an image image = imread('image.jpg'); % Crop the top-left corner region of the image cropped_image = imcrop(image, [0, 0, 100, 100]); ``` **Parameter Explanation:** * `image`: The input image * `rect`: Rectangle coordinates in the format `[x, y, width, height]` **Code Logic:** 1. The `imcrop` function crops a region from the image based on the specified rectangle coordinates. 2. Rectangle coordinates specify the location and size of the top-left corner of the cropping area. 3. The cropped image contains only the pixels within the rectangular area. ### 2.2.2 Using the montage Function The `montage` function is used to mosaic multiple images into a grid. It takes an array of images and the grid size as inputs and returns the mosaicked image. ```matlab % Read an array of images images = {imread('image1.jpg'), imread('image2.jpg'), imread('image3.jpg')}; % Mosaic the images mosaicked_image = montage(images); ``` **Parameter Explanation:** * `images`: Array of images * `layout`: Grid size, specified as `[rows, cols]` **Code Logic:** 1. The `montage` function mosaics the array of images into a grid. 2. Grid size specifies the number of rows and columns of images in the mosaicked image. 3. The mosaicked image contains thumbnails of all the images, arranged in a grid. # 3. MATLAB Image Rotating Practice ### 3.1 Clockwise and Counterclockwise Image Rotation #### 3.1.1 Using the imrotate Function The `imro
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