【Advanced】Dynamic Image Plotting in MATLAB: Visualizing Dynamic Data
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# 2.1 Creation and Property Settings of Graphical Objects
In MATLAB, graphical objects are classes used to represent and manipulate graphical elements. These include lines, points, text, images, and controls. To create graphical objects, various functions such as `plot()`, `scatter()`, and `text()` can be employed.
Each graphical object possesses a set of properties that control its appearance and behavior. These properties can be accessed and modified using dot notation, for instance, `object.Property`. To set the line width of a line object, one could use the `object.LineWidth` property.
% Creating a line object
lineObject = plot(x, y);
% Setting line width
lineObject.LineWidth = 2;
# 2. MATLAB Basics of Dynamic Image Plotting
## 2.1 Fundamentals of Graphical Plotting
### 2.1.1 Creation and Property Settings of Graphical Objects
In MATLAB, graphical objects represent graphical elements such as lines, points, text, and axes. To create graphical objects, functions like `plot`, `scatter`, and `text` can be utilized.
% Creating a sine curve
t = linspace(0, 2*pi, 100);
y = sin(t);
plot(t, y);
Each graphical object comes with a set of properties that can be used to tailor its appearance and behavior. Properties can be accessed and set via dot syntax.
% Setting line width
set(gca, 'LineWidth', 2);
% Setting the title
title('Sine Curve');
### 2.1.2 Coordinate Systems and Transformations
MATLAB utilizes a Cartesian coordinate system for plotting graphics. The origin is located at the bottom left, with the x-axis extending to the right and the y-axis extending upwards.
% Creating a scatter plot
scatter(x, y);
% Setting labels for the x-axis and y-axis
The coordinate system can be transformed using the `axis` function. For instance, one can set the range, ticks, and grid lines of the coordinate system.
% Setting the range for the x-axis
axis([0 10 -1 1]);
% Setting the ticks for the x-axis
set(gca, 'XTick', 0:2:10);
% Adding grid lines
grid on;
## 2.2 Principles of Dynamic Image Plotting
### 2.2.1 Real-Time Data Acquisition
Dynamic image plotting requires real-time data acquisition. MATLAB provides functions to retrieve data from various sources such as serial ports, networks, and files.
% Reading data from a serial port
data = serial('COM1');
data_array = fread(data, 100);
### 2.2.2 Data Updates and Graph Updates
Upon acquiring new data, it's necessary to update the graph to reflect this data. MATLAB uses the `drawnow` function to force a graph update.
% Dynamically plotting a sine curve
while true
t = linspace(0, 2*pi, 100);
y = sin(t);
plot(t, y);
# 3.1 Basic Dynamic Image Plotting
## 3.1.1 Dynamic Plotting of Line Graphs
Line graphs are one of the most commonly used types for plotting dynamic im***lot a dynamic line graph, the `animatedline` function can be used.
% Creating an animatedline object
lineObj = animatedline;
% Sett