【Advanced篇】Web Scraper Data Cleaning and Preprocessing Techniques: Data Cleaning and Transformation Using Pandas

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# Advanced篇: Web Scraping Data Cleaning and Preprocessing Techniques: Using Pandas for Data Cleaning and Transformation ## 2.1 Introduction to Pandas Data Structures and Operations ### 2.1.1 An Overview of DataFrame and Series **DataFrame:** - A two-dimensional, tabular data structure similar to an Excel spreadsheet. - Composed of rows (index) and columns (columns), with each cell containing a value. - Can be created using `pd.DataFrame()`. **Series:** - A one-dimensional, array-like data structure similar to a Python list. - Comprised of a sequence of values and a sequence of indices. - Can be created using `pd.Series()`. ### 2.1.2 Importing and Exporting Data **Importing Data:** - From CSV files: `pd.read_csv()` - From Excel files: `pd.read_excel()` - From JSON files: `pd.read_json()` **Exporting Data:** - To CSV files: `df.to_csv()` - To Excel files: `df.to_excel()` - To JSON files: `df.to_json()` # 2. Pandas Data Cleaning Techniques ### 2.1 Pandas Data Structures and Operations #### 2.1.1 An Overview of DataFrame and Series The two core data structures in the Pandas library are the DataFrame and Series. A DataFrame is a two-dimensional tabular structure with rows and columns, akin to a table in SQL. A Series is a one-dimensional array, similar to a list in Python. **DataFrame** ```python import pandas as pd # Creating a DataFrame df = pd.DataFrame({ "name": ["John", "Mary", "Bob"], "age": [20, 25, 30], "city": ["New York", "London", "Paris"] }) # Viewing the DataFrame print(df) ``` **Output:** ``` name age city 0 John 20 New York 1 Mary 25 London 2 Bob 30 Paris ``` **Series** ```python # Creating a Series series = pd.Series([20, 25, 30]) # Viewing the Series print(series) ``` **Output:** ``` *** *** *** dtype: int64 ``` #### 2.1.2 Importing and Exporting Data Pandas offers various methods for importing and exporting data, including: **Importing Data** ***Importing from CSV files:** `pd.read_csv("file.csv")` ***Importing from Excel files:** `pd.read_excel("file.xlsx")` ***Importing from JSON files:** `pd.read_json("file.json")` **Exporting Data** ***Exporting to CSV files:** `df.to_csv("file.csv")` ***Exporting to Excel files:** `df.to_excel("file.xlsx")` ***Exporting to JSON files:** `df.to_json("file.json")` ### 2.2 Data Cleaning Methods #### 2.2.1 Handling Missing Values Missing values are a common challenge in data cleaning. Pandas provides several methods for dealing with missing values: ***Deleting missing values:** `df.dropna()` ***Filling missing values with a specific value:** `df.fillna(value)` ***Filling missing values with the mean:** `df.fillna(df.mean())` #### 2.2.2 Handling Duplicate Values Duplicate values are another issue that needs to be addressed during data cleaning. Pandas offers the following methods: ***Deleting duplicate values:** `df.drop_duplicates()` ***Keeping the first duplicate:** `df.drop_duplicates(keep="first")` ***Keeping the last duplicate:** `df.drop_duplicates(keep="last")` #### 2.2.3 Data Type Conversion Sometimes, it is necessary to convert data types from one type to another. Pandas provides the `astype()` method: ```python # Converting the "age" column to floats df["age"] = df["age"].astype(float) ``` ### 2.3 Data Transformation Methods #### 2.3.1 Data Merging and Joining Pandas provides `merge()` and `join()` methods to merge and join DataFrames: ***Merging:** `df1.merge(df2, on="column_name")` ***Joining:** `df1.join(df2, on="column_name")` #### 2.3.2 Data Grouping and Aggregation Pandas provides `groupby()` and `agg()` methods for grouping and aggregating data: ```python # Grouping by the "city" column and counting the number of people in each city df.groupby("city").agg({"age": "count"}) ``` #### 2.3.3 Data Sorting and Filtering Pandas provides `sort_values()` and `query()` methods for sorting and filtering data: ```python # Sorting by the "age" column in descending order df.sort_values("age", ascending=False) # Filtering out people older than 25 df.query("age > 25") ``` # 3.1 Feature Engineering Feature engineering is a crucial step in data preprocessing, which helps extract valuable features from raw data, thereby enhancing the performance of machine learning models. Feature engineering mainly includes the following three aspects: #### 3.1.1 Feature Selection Feature selection involves choosing features from the raw data that are highly correlated with the target variable to reduce data dimensionality and improve the model'***mon feature selection methods include: - **Filter methods:** Feature selection based on the statistical information of the features themselves (such as variance, information gain). - **Wrapper methods:** Integrating the feature selection process with the model training process to choose the features that contribute most to the model's performance. - **Embedded methods:** Automatically selecting features during the model training process using regularization or other techniques. #### 3.1.2 Feature Scaling Feature scaling refers to sc***mon feature scaling methods include: - **Standardization:** Subtracting the mean and dividing by the standard deviation to distribute feature values
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