【Basic】Web Page Structure Analysis: Introduction to XPath and CSS Selectors

发布时间: 2024-09-15 11:54:48 阅读量: 22 订阅数: 37


# Web Page Structure Analysis: Introduction to XPath and CSS Selectors ## 1. Overview of Web Page Structure Analysis Web page structure analysis refers to the process of parsing and understanding the content and structure of a webpage, with the goal of extracting valuable information and transforming it into actionable data. In the fields of Web development and data analysis, webpage structure analysis is crucial as it enables us to: - Understand the layout and organization of web content - Extract specific information, such as product prices, reviews, or contact details - Automate Web tasks, such as data scraping and testing - Optimize webpage performance and accessibility ## 2. Basics of XPath Selectors ### 2.1 XPath Syntax and Basic Axes XPath (XML Path Language) is a language used for navigating and selecting nodes in XML documents. Its syntax follows path expressions and consists of the following basic components: - **Axis:** Specifies the direction of traversal from the current node, such as `child`, `parent`, `descendant`, etc. - **Node Test:** Specifies the type of nodes to be selected, such as `element`, `text`, `attribute`, etc. - **Predicate:** Used to filter the selected nodes, such as `@id='myId'`, `contains(text(), 'keyword')`, etc. ### 2.2 Node Localization and Path Expressions XPath path expressions are used to locate specific nodes in an XML document. The syntax is as follows: ``` axis::node-test[predicate] ``` For example, the following expression selects all child elements of the current node: ``` child::element() ``` The following expression selects all text nodes of the current node: ``` child::text() ``` The following expression selects all child elements of the current node with an `id` attribute value of `myId`: ``` child::element()[@id='myId'] ``` ### 2.3 XPath Functions and Predicates XPath offers a wide range of functions and predicates for operating on and filtering nodes. #### Functions XPath functions are used to manipulate node values, such as: - **string():** Converts node values to a string. - **number():** Converts node values to a number. - **boolean():** Converts node values to a boolean value. #### Predicates XPath predicates are used to filter selected nodes, such as: - **=:** Equality comparison. - **!=:** Inequality comparison. - **<:** Less than comparison. - **>:** Greater than comparison. - **<=:** Less than or equal to comparison. - **>=:** Greater than or equal to comparison. For example, the following expression selects all text nodes of the current node that contain the keyword `keyword`: ``` child::text()[contains(text(), 'keyword')] ``` The following expression selects all child elements of the current node with an `id` attribute value of `myId`, and whose text value is not empty: ``` child::element()[@id='myId' and not(text()='')] ``` **Code Block:** ```xml <html> <head> <title>XPath Example</title> </head> <body> <h1>Heading 1</h1> <p>Paragraph 1</p> <div id="myDiv"> <span>Span 1</span> <span>Span 2</span> </div> </body> </html> ``` **Logical Analysis:** - `//h1`: Selects all `<h1>` elements in the document. - `//p[text()='Paragraph 1']`: Selects the `<p>` element with the text value `Paragraph 1` in the document. - `//div[@id='myDiv']/span`: Selects all `<span>` child elements of the `<div>` element with an `id` attribute value of `myDiv`. **Parameter Explanation:** - `//`: The document root node. - `h1`: Tag name of the `<h1>` element. - `p`: Tag name of the `<p>` element. - `text()`: The `text` function, which returns the text value of a node. - `@id`: The `@` symbol represents an attribute, and `id` represents the attribute name. - `/`: The child node selector. ## 3. Practical Application of XPath ### 3.1 Parsing and Navigation of HTML Documents XPath plays a vital role in parsing and navigating HTML documents. With XPath expressions, we can easily locate and extract specific elements or data. **Code Block 3.1: HTML Document Pars
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